Artist on the Alameda: Lisanne Eng
of Makana Arts As part of the School of Visual Philosophy's Safely Social San Jose campaign, we have paired 10 artists with 10 businesses...
Artist on the Alameda: Lisanne Eng
Craft is a four letter word
Discussing the Dialects in Depth
Artist In Residence
Save the Date!
Re-opening SVP
Art as a Universal Language
A fresh approach to education at Visual Philosophy
Artist Profile: Yori Seeger
Artist Profile: Dana Harris Seeger
Artist Profile: Matthew Courtney
Artist Profile: Jaya Griscom
Artist Profile: Lisa Pelgrim
Artist Profile: Julie Bovee
Artist Profile: Katie Peck
Artist Profile: Jemal Diamond
First Fresco Painting Attempt
Creating the Cartoon
My Wife, the Laureate
Our community carries on...