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Nicki's Top 5


Our artist of the month Nicki Ivins is delighted to share her Top 5 Floral Tools. There are many tricks up a florist’s sleeves and these 5 tools are essential to every one of them!

As any artist knows, the right tools make a HUGE difference. After watching Nicki's first Instagram demonstration last Saturday that became very clear as she explained especially why she uses certain glues over others. I have experimented with a lot of different tools for various purposes and it takes time to find the right one- which may or may not be more economical. It helps to have some advice for choosing the right tool for the right job from someone you trust, which is why we are sharing these Top 5's with you! Nicki's business depends on speed, consistency and intuition. Eliminating variables like having an incomplete tool box gives her the confidence to know each job will go off without a hitch (or at least as few hitches as possible!)

See Nicki in action this Saturday on her Instagram Page! Read more for details.


This Saturday Nicki will be doing another live demonstration via her Instagram page at

Tune in at 1pm to learn some fabulous floral techniques that don't end at traditional arranging! This week Nicki will be showing viewers how to use dried flowers in a Compote arrangement for a permanently beautiful display!

Design + Florals: @branchesflorals

Design + Production Assistant: @beercitybroad

Photography Editing: @hannahberglundphotography

Floral Tools: @oasisfloralproducts (not sponsored)

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