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Giving Tuesday is more about you, than us

Dana here, to offer MY support to you, my community during this COVID-19 time of crisis. I know I have been asking a lot of you- to give to SVP's campaigns to help with our studio artist's rent relief, and offer more online classes since we cannot be together in person. But I want to let you know that it is only because you are a fundamental part of what we are doing. Without you, there would be no School of Visual Philosophy. I can say that with certainty now because it is clear that all of you- our students, our teachers, our artists, our friends, our family and even our landlord (who we love!) are the reason we are still here right now.

As we face even more challenges in the coming months, I want to reassure you all that today- #GivingTuesdayNow is about you and where your passions lie. As you think about all the areas you have been blessed, why not share that love with a charity you are passionate about? There are so many reasons to give today and I am not asking you to give to us, but to think about how you can be the reason that a nurse can wear a face mask today, or the reason that an animal feels safe and not neglected, or the reason an artist can put a roof over their head. Think before you give, and give the most you can, because behind the scenes, we are all giving! Thanks for all you do!


For those who want to know more about supporting artists and small businesses or contribute to our campaigns here are the links to the Artist Relief Fund:

and the Go Virtual online class fund:

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