Applying artists are encouraged to use the Visual Philosophy Art Space as an opportunity to experiment with installation, their presentation, or show work they have not shown before.
Due to the Visual Philosophy Art Space NOT being a professional gallery and that the components involved in the Visual Philosophy Community, including but not limited to the art classes, live storefront, Team Building Events and Studio Artists, the Art Space is a flexible area that may need to be used for other purposes throughout the month. This means that the show space may be altered. Visual Philosophy staff will make every effort to notify the exhibiting artists of changes in the structure before they happen, and will attempt to limit the changes to times that are not available viewing.
Visual Philosophy Provides
Creative Freedom
Visual Philosophy (VP) is mostly hands off, giving the artist/curator the opportunity to design a complete experience.
Visual Philosophy can handle sale of artwork
20% commission
Work sold as is
Buyers can take work upon purchase.
Artist paid out after full de-installation
Walls/ Show Space
We have several moveable walls that can be rearranged and designed to fit the artist's vision. Each wall is 8' x 8'.
VP will provide the paint needed to touch up the walls after the show is de-installed and walls are patched.
VP will promote your event on our website, in our newsletter, and on our Instagram and Facebook pages. In addition to our virtual promotions, we offer street facing advertisement space (i.e. for show posters, etc)
Live Music
VP provides live musicians for 2nd Saturday opening receptions.
Artist Role
The artist(s) must be certain they can show during the month they apply for.
The artist/curator is responsible for the design, creation, installation, and de-installation, including all aspects of the reception (i.e refreshments, etc)
Participants must be active participants in promoting the show and can coordinate directly with our marketing team.
General Parameters
There must be a live element to the opening reception. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Artist talk/speech/presentation​
Virtual Event
Reception should be
Family Friendly
Occur at 11 am - 2 pm
A VP staff member or volunteer will be present
Closing reception is optional
include in your proposal​
if approved, coordinate with VP
Open studios
Be aware that Visual Philosophy is a working studio space and that our artists may have their studios open during this event.​
Work must be installed/hung/presented in standard professional methods (i.e. proper hanging hardware, etc.) VP is not responsible for damage to artwork due to poor hanging hardware or insufficient presentation strategies.
Artist is responsible for installation
Schedule installation with VP​
Artist will provide their own installation hardware and tools (we highly recommend screws over nails)
VP is happy to facilitate sales of work during our open hours. Please indicate, in the contract, if your work is for sale.
If artist(s) would to take advantage of this offer, be aware that:
VP takes 20% commission
VP's default is that buyers can take art home immediately. If the artist(s) would like work to stay up for the duration of the show, please specify that in the contract.
Art is sold as is. VP does not wrap/package work when sold.
Artist(s) must provide VP with a price list.
No commission is taken if the artist(s) handle their own sales.
Application Requirements
Detailed description of show (200 words)
List of participating artists if applicable
Work samples for participating artists
Solo shows: 8 -10 images of work that best represents (applications without minimum number of images will not be considered)
Group shows: 3 - 5 images of work by participating artists.
If specific pieces are being chosen for the group show, please include at least 1 image of those specific pieces.​
If you would like to provide your own music/musician, please include that in your application.
Note: VP books musicians for Second Saturdays 2 - 3 months in advance, so please be mindful of that if your exhibit dates are within 2 - 3 months of your application, a musician may already be booked.
Upon Approval
To reserve the month
Sign contract. If the proposal is for a group show, the lead artist/curator must organize the signing and returning of the contract for all participating artists.​
Pay $100 exhibition fee
Paid only by the lead artist (total of $100)
Deposit is refundable if lead artist successfully de-installs according to previously mentioned parameters
Final Information needed
Must be submitted 1 month prior to show month*
*If this deadline is missed, the show may be cancelled​
Finalized description of the show
Full blurb for event page/newsletter​
2-3 sentences for social media. Include participant handles for tagging purposes.​​
Description of event planned for 2nd Saturday/opening reception
Images (professional quality images)
Required: image of artist(s), show image (image used to represent the show)​
Strongly suggested: artist(s) working, 3 - 5 images of work, process videos, etc
Links to stores/websites/social media
Minimum 2 months prior to desired month
Upon Approval
Sign contract and pay $100 exhibition fee asap in order to reserve the month.
One month before show month* submit all final information (details above).
*If this deadline is missed, the show may be canceled. ​
May begin on the first of the month
Must be fully installed no later than 4 days prior to the second Saturday of the month
Opening Reception
Occurs between 11-2pm on the second Saturday of the month
Closing Reception
Optional and must be covered by the proposal and approved by VP
If approved, coordinate with VP
No later than 2 days before the end of the month*
Artist is responsible for de-installation including patching and painting the walls. VP will provide the paint.
*Important note: The art space is often used for classes which means that artwork and walls may be moved during or throughout the month. If that is a problem, please have your show down by 10 pm on the Monday following the Second Saturday.
If you are not a VP studio artist, you will need to coordinate the de-installation time with VP staff. ​